
Showing posts from February, 2022

Day 121

 Day/Date: Tuesday(01/03/2022) Week: 23 Place: MACC Radio room, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya.  - Help monitor the MACC Facebook live and set up the OBS.

Day 120 (Week 23)

 Day/Date:Monday(28/02/2022) Week: 22 Place: Konti Radio MACC fm, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya.  - Continue to edit the HARA Video - Help the media electronic to conduct the facebook Live Broadcast with KPKPj Zulfikri Abdul Manaf. National Anti -Drug Agency Integrity Director & Dr. Nazira Binti Sadiron, Principal Assistant Director (Rehabilitation in the Community) of the National Anti -Drug Agency. The live that been conducted thru the facebook SPRM

Day 116 - 119

 Day/Date: Tuesday - Friday(22-25/02/2022) Week: 22 Place: Home - Medical  Leave

Day 114

Day/Date: Monday(21/02/2022) Week: 22 Place:  PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya.  - Transfer and rearrange the PSA to desktop  - Continue edit the HARA video

Day 115

 Day/Date: Friday(18/02/2022) Week: 22 Place: Library PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya.  - Attend the MACC annual library meeting. - Help Tuan Hisyam from Media electronic branch to setup the studio for recording.

Day 113

 Day/Date: Thursday(17/02/2022) Week: 22 Place: Around Putrajaya.  - follow the MACC officers from PENMAS branches to provide COVID19 assistance to officers involved with COVID 19. - The mission was been lead y En Nasir, Head of welfare PENMAS

Day 112

Day/Date: Wednesday(16/02/2022) Week: 22 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya.  - Being the emcee for the Annual Meeting for PENMAS sector, Bil 1, Year of 2022.

Day 111

  Day/Date: Tuesday(15/02/2022) Week: 22 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya.  -  Meeting with the committee of PENMAS meeting Bil 1, the year of 2022. - The meeting was been conducted by En Rosdi, Head of the Secretariat/Admin. - Reheasel for the meeting.

Day 110 (Week 22)

 Day/Date: Monday(14/02/2022) Week: 22 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya.  -  Make the text for the emcee, meeting for PENMAS branch for Bil 1 the year of 2022.

Day 109

 Day/Date: Thursday(11/02/2022) Week: 21 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya.  - Meeting with Head of PENMAS Sector, Puan Norizan. - Discussing the video TikTok and trying to figure out the next content for MACC FM.

Day 108

Day/Date: Thursday(10/02/2022) Week: 21 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya.  - Help Mr Faridzul to count the promotion stock. - Editting HARA video

Day 107

 Day/Date: Wednesday(09/02/2022) Week: 21 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya.  - Self-study about the photoshop - Meeting with Director of PENMAS and PENMAS staff.  - Urine screening test and ketum test

Day 106

 Day/Date: Tuesday(08/02/2022) Week: 21 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya.  - Continue editting the HARA video : Covid-19 and the corruption - Meeting with Mrs Norizan, discuss about the podcast and the media social for MACC

Day 105 (Week 21)

Day/Date: Monday(07/02/2022) Week: 21 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya.  - Continue editting the HARA video : Covid-19 and the corruption

Day 104

 Day/Date: Friday(04/02/2022) Week: 20 Place:  - Make proposal for Supervisor UUM and the supervisor intern. - editing the HARA video.

Day 103

Day/Date: Thursday(03/02/2022) Week: 20 Place:  - Helping Promotion Branch to calculate the item for gift

Day 102

 Day/Date: Wednesday(02/02/2022) Week: 20 Place: Home - Public Holiday: Chinese New Year