
Showing posts from October, 2021

Day 36 (Week 8)

Day/Date: Monday(01/11/2021) Week: 8 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - Handle the MACC fm facebook live using the OBS system for the Mandarin slot: PertandinganPidato Duta Antirasuah Peringkat Kebangsaan 2021  - The live was been supervise by Tuan Najib and Cik Dianah from the Media electronic branch. Figure 1 :Handle the OBS system for facebook live

Day 35

 Day/Date: Friday(29/10/2021) Week: 7 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - counting the number of viewers, shared, and like for the live  i-Contender PUBG that has been conducted starting 1 October 2021 until 29 October 2021 Figure 1: The number of the viewer,likes and shared are been review and been recorded

Day 34

Day/Date: Thursday(28/10/2021) Week: 7 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - Edit the poster for PPj Wan Nor Laily from the  Development and Reporting branch. - Submit the output. Figure 1: The editing process using the adobe photoshop

Day 33

 Day/Date: Wednesday (27/10/2021) Week: 7 Place:  > MACC Auditorium Hall, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya > PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya.  - Handle the live stream camera during the final debate event. - Re-pack all the devices after the event finish. Figure 1: Standby for the event start

Day 32

Day/Date: Tuesday (26/10/2021) Week: 7 Place:  > PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya > MACC Auditorium Hall, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - Setup the live camera for the final debate program for the MACC  - The setup was been supervise by Tuan Syam and Tuan Rozman from the Media Electronic branch. Figure 1: Help Tuan Syam to bring the devices to set up at auditorium hall Figure 2: The device be arranged and setup at the auditorium hall

Day 31(Week 7)

Day/Date: Monday (25/10/2021) Week: 7 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - Help to set up and test the microphone for the MACC FM guest segment. - The setup has been supervised by Cik Maria and Cik Dianah from the electronic media branch.  Figure 1: Testing the microphone and the sound for the guest

Day 30

Day/Date: Friday (22/10/2021) Week: 6 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - Follow the staff from the media electronic branch, Tuan Mohammad Rizal Bin Said submitted the form  at the admin  - Help Tuan Rizal with the debate competition. Figure 1: Submission form at Admin Office with Tuan Rizal Figure 2: Being assisted the Tuan Rizal for the debating competition

Day 29

Day/Date: Thursday (21/10/2021) Week: 6 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - Resubmit the softcopy of the textbook to Tuan Tarmize - Meet the Deputy Commissioner Dato' Hj Idris bin Zaharudin, Director Of Malaysia Anti-Corruption Academy(MACA).

Day 28

Day/Date: Wednesday(20/10/2021) Week: 6 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - checking the grammatical errors of the textbook of MAAC. - Submit the edited textbook softcopy to Tuan Tarmize Figure 1: the textbook in malay version, been used as reference for the task

Day 26(Week 6)

 Day/Date: Monday(18/10/2021) Week: 6 - take leave, visit and bring grandmother in the village for treatment in the hospital

Day 27

Day/Date: Tuesday(19/10/2021) Week: 6 - Public Holiday, Maulidul Rasul celebration

Day 25

Day/Date: Friday(15/10/2021) Week: 5 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - Editing the poster for the banner Figure 1: The editing dor website using the Adobe Photoshop Figure 2: The final output for the MACC fm website

Day 24

 Day/Date: Thursday(14/10/2021) Week: 5 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - handle the technical using the OBS system for live streaming. - Been supervised by Miss Dianah from Electronic Media branch staff. Figure 1: Setup the OBS  Figure 2: The staff from media electronic  monitor the process of the program  

Day 23

Day/Date: Wednesday(13/10/2021) Week: 5 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - Submit the task that has been done. - Re-edit the video for the introduction of - Setup the OBS and zoom for the meeting interview live. Figure 1: Handling the OBS software for the Facebook live.

Day 22

Day/Date: Tuesday (12/10/2021) Week: 5 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - Continue editing the MACC textbook from Malay version to English version regarding the notes and slides that have been provided. - Double-checking before submitting the work to Mr. Tarmize

Day 21 (Week 5 )

 Day/Date: Monday (11/10/2021) Week: 5 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - Continue editing the MACC textbook. - Help the staff from Media Electronic branch  to set up the green screen Figure 1: Setup the green screen for the Media Electronic sector

Day 20

Day/Date: Friday (08/10/2021) Week: 4 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - continue editing the SPRM education textbook from Malay version to English version using the Adobe InDesign - Rearrange the Media Electronic store Figure 1: The Head of the Media Electronic branch visited the site. Figure 2: The editing process using the adobe InDesign

Day 19

  Day/Date: Thursday (07/10/2021) Week: 4 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - continue editing the SPRM education textbook from Malay version to English version using the Adobe InDesign

Day 18

 Day/Date: Wednesday (06/10/2021) Week: 4 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - editing the SPRM education textbook from Malay version to English version using the Adobe InDesign. - The task gives and supervise by KPKPj Mohamad Tarmize, Deputy director of the PENMAS branch Figure 1: The editting process using Adobe InDesign

Day 17

Day/Date: Tuesday (05/10/2021) Week: 4 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya  -  setup the technical using the OBS  for the SPRM program that lives thru the Zoom Meeting application. - Miss Dianah and Tuan Najib supervise during the program been held. Figure 1: The Head department from Media electronic observed during the program being conducted. The training for the OBS program was been conducted by Mr. Hisyammudin and the participant from the Media electronic department 

Day 16 (Week 4)

 Day/Date: Monday (04/10/2021) Week: 4 Place: PENMAS, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(SPRM), Putrajaya - Edit the video of the KP speech for the PUBG I-Contender event. - Join the SPRM program thru Facebook live. Figure 1: The program was been conducted thru the Facebook live Figure 2: The video editing process of Director MACC